The Spirit of Giving
We hyped it up. "Parker, do you want to paint? She was excited. She didn't actually want to do the activity. We did a demo ornament. She was not interested. We took a break. "Parker, do you want to paint?" Her response, "Uh...No." (Repeat this several times.) Finally, she says, "Paint!" Okay, here we go. The only way she will do it is if I give her a new brush each time. She kept saying, "Dip. Dip."
Alicia helps her do the first one.
This is what most of the experience looked like.
It only took us three different "rounds" of painting to get 9 ornaments. You can see a couple of P's masterpieces sitting on the table.
The good news is that although she may not have had the stamina to enjoy painting all 9 ornaments, she did like a couple and she got to give her first one away today. :) She handed the present to the appropriate person and even (when prompted) said "welcome!" after she thanked her. That made me happy. :)
Very cute idea! Henry and I made apple cinnamon cut-out ornaments and I let him "sign" the back. You are much more brave than I...
Love all the recent posts! Glad you're getting caught up on sharing all the cuteness. :)
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