Monday, May 24, 2010

Impromptu Sprinkler Fun

Parker and I were taking a walk last night when we encountered a sprinkler that was sprinkling the sidewalk as much as it was the grass. Parker didn't really know what to think at first, but she kept walking back and forth through the sprinkling water. Then she got brave and started to walk into the grass. (Yes, this was the neighbor's grass, but no one lives there yet - the builders were just watering the sod.) I started to feel guilty that she was playing in someone else's future yard, so I brought her home and got out our sprinkler. Of course, Alicia had just finished cutting the obnoxiously long grass. So, P got very wet and covered in grass clippings.

I love how you can tell she just got blasted with cold water!

Cheesy Smile, Mommy!

Summer Fun - Here We Come!

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