Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Keep on Keepin' On

So, I have been bad about blogging.  I don’t think anyone has cared.  But, today (at work, which gives you an indication of how bored I sometimes get) I decided to do a blog about this weight loss thing that I’m doing. 

Sometime at the beginning of the school year, my family embarked on a Biggest Loser kind of thing.  I did alright.  I lost around 8 pounds.  (Over  the course of a month or so).  Then, I stopped for a bit and really hopped back on the bandwagon sometime in November.  I don’t really even remember when I actually started, but I got intrigued by the Couch to 5K thing that a friend of mine had started.  (Woot!  Thanks, Cathy!)  So, I decided to give it a go. 

Here I am in November.  It looks like my face is swollen I was so fat.  Why didn’t someone tell me?

 Crap. It was it hard.  All it wanted me to do at first was run for a minute, then walk for a minute and a half.  Then repeat this 5 times.  I thought I was going to die.  I was, apparently, really really out of shape.  I started to freak out.  I looked ahead a few days in the program.  What?  Run for 3 minutes straight?  I can’t do that.  I won’t ever be able to do that.  But, I kept plugging.  Some runs were really, really, really hard.  Around Christmas time, I was up to running for 20 minutes straight!  Hot dang!  The program actually works.  I stayed on that level for a few weeks, through the holiday season.  And, for Christmas, Alicia got me an iPhone so I could install the running app as well as a calorie counter on MY phone instead of stealing hers every night.

I was stoked.  I set up a running playlist and started anew after the New Year.  (I had gained 5 pounds over Christmas and was completely mad at myself.)  But, I’ve kept going.  Over MLK day weekend I completed the final day of the Couch to 5K program – run for 35 minutes straight with a 5 minute walk on either end.  I did it!  And, I’ve done it several times since then.  I am also counting calories like a fiend.

Now, it’s getting harder.  I’m getting really bored with running outside.  We are super busy which makes me more tired at 8:30 when I should be running. (Or not even home at all!)  My weight loss has slowed down.  It wasn’t unusual before to lose a pound or two a day.  Now, I’m at a pound (or if I’m lucky) two a week.  I’m not seeing as rapid of results and that makes my motivation wane.

But, I’m going to keep on keepin’ on.  Cupcakes, chips, bread (the root of ALL evil) beware.  You may win a battle or two, but I will win the war.

Here I am (stellar pic, I know, but it’s what I could do) today. 

Ideally, I would like to lose 40 more pounds – putting me back to what I weighed in college.  Realistically, I think I think I’m looking more at 25.  We will see.  I’m just going to keep going. 

Oh – and total weight loss since August – 44 pounds
Total weight loss since November – 36 pounds 


Unknown said...

Dang, check you out!!! You inspire me. And you should blog more :) Hopefully you'll be seeing a post like this from me!

Cathy Willman said...

Holy Fabulousness Batman! I haven't seen you since November, I had NO IDEA the extent the difference your actions in your health had made. Awesome! I'm so Proud of you. And Honored. I'm honored that you credit me as part of your inspiration, because after reading this, you've upped me, and inspired me to kick it up after falling off the wagon. Swell Job Swell!

vicky said...

Just fyi...I read the blog and Letters to P. I wish you didn't worry so much. You are a very good mom. She is blessed to have you both. And I am super excited that you have kept at this weight loss....it's not easy and it's not fun...hang in there ....love you much