This weekend we went to Forreston, IL to visit Alicia's Mom's family and to have a baby shower for Alicia's cousin. It was a good time with good food (most of which WE had to bring home - so much for my big idea of losing weight this summer!). Parker had a really good time playing with her second cousins - all girls born in September (well except one who was born the first week in October, but that's close enough!) The new baby is also due in September. If Erin has a boy, I think he might feel a little left out! P also had a great time exploring Doris's yard and looking at all her pretty flowers.
Here are some pics from the weekend.
Parker and her Grandma "Booga" on Doris porch

P getting excited about Erin opening her gifts!

Parker and Madison playing in Maddy's purple toy tub! (Maddy is 2 years older than Parker.)

And here is Parker exploring Doris's flowers and bird bath. P really loves the outdoors and flowers, but we are SO bad at keeping them alive. Oh well, that will make visiting family that much more special!

So our "vacation" is going pretty well so far. I think we're just going to hang out tomorrow and head to the Brookfield Zoo on Tuesday. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate!
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