I wasn't particularly fond of the Friday Fill-in's today and I actually have something else I can write about, so that's what we are going to do!
We had another doctor's appointment today. Before I was pregnant, I was under the impression that big exciting things happened at these appointments. Apparently, I was just plain wrong. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE that I don't have to take off my pants every time I go to the doctor now (which was not the case a year ago), and I do get excited to hear the baby's heartbeat, but the rest is pretty boring.
So, anyway, today was a regular appointment. I'm fine. The baby's fine. Everything's great. We are apparently "boringly healthy." (That's an exact quote for you.) I'm happy with that.
What a Gift that things are now going So Right! When are you going to post some ultrasound photos???
It is quite a blessing! I've just been lazy and haven't gotten around to it yet. Sorry..... We have a pretty crazy weekend, so maybe sometime next week.
I just found your blog link through Amy. Congrats to you and Al! That is so exciting! I've just been through the pregnancy thing, and now have a 7 week old. Pregnancy might get tiring, but the end result is so worth it! When are you due? Do you know if it's a boy or girl?
Hi Carrie!
I'm a total blog-stalker and have been stalking your blog for quite some time, so congrats on making it through and on having a cute little Baby Brett. (He totally looks like Steve in his "gangsta" pic.)
We are having a girl and I am due September 17th! Only 15.5 more weeks!
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