Thursday, March 12, 2009


I just got a text message from Lauren, my sister-in-law/babysitter, saying that Parker rolled over! Finally! (Front to back and, no, she hasn't done it again.) I'm really happy that she finally reached this milestone because I was getting a little worried. But, now I'm sad that I missed it. It's not like I was doing anything important. I'm just sitting at work in my 2 1/2 prep time pretending like I'm doing things.

Lately, I've been feeling like all I do is leave my baby with other people. Last night I saw her for 45 minutes before I had to leave again. That's not enough. I am praying so hard that this job share goes through because I cannot do this much longer. Sadly, I think it's going to be worse before it gets better. I know that, inevitably, I will miss some things, but I don't even feel like I'm missing them for a good reason right now.

Ergh. Maybe she will do it again for me tonight.

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