Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Fill-in and more cuteness

Okay, so I pretty much have to put in a picture with every post now, because I really just think my kid is cute. I know I am biased and other people have cute kids too, but I really like mine and want to show the world her cuteness. :)

1. October means falling leaves, picking pumpkins, apple cider, fall break and Halloween. It's actually one of my favorite months. I can't wait to take Parker to get pumpkins!

2. Horses scare me! I know that's ridiculous, but they are really big and can hurt you if they aren't nice (or if you do something that scares them!)

3. Leaves are falling all around, it reminds me of New Hampshire. It was so gorgeous there in the fall.

4. My favorite horror movie is none because um - they are scary! Duh!!!!.

5. New Hampshire = good memories. Since I mentioned the brief time we lived in NH in number 3, I guess I will use number 5 to remind myself how really great that year was. It was a cool place to be, and it really solidified our relationship. I know that I was pretty miserable for a good portion of it, but it was great for us and once we decided we were coming back, I had a great time! I want to go back!

6. It was a dark and stormy night and Alicia made me sleep in the closet when I was 5 months pregnant. She is terrified of storms and since we don't have a basement, it happens to be the safest place in our house. I obliged her since she was only trying to look out for me and Baby P.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hopefully staying awake through game night and MAYBE not having to get up EVERY time Parker needs something in the night, tomorrow my plans include leaving my baby and going on a date (sad and happy face here) and Sunday, I want to NAP all day long in preparation for another long week!


Kathy said...

the red hair is just adorable!!

Cathy said...

I must agree, your baby IS really cute, and personally I am quite glad you do post pictures often.
In regard to all those lovely things you posted about October, I also wholeheartedly agree. A hot date sounds just wonderful. Eric and I haven't had one for months that hasn't involved doctor's appointments. It will be a refreshing opportunity for you to not feel like a moo-cow all the time. And it's amazing how much some Adult conversation can make you feel better, since you've probably been speaking "Ooogie Boogie Beauty Baby".

amypfan said...

Oooh, pumpkins. I'm going to have to get on that with our girls!